Welcome to the MS Computer Lab Blog!

The objective of our blog is to share information about how we integrate our technology curriculum into the subject area curriculum. The foundation of this effort is the methodology of team teaching the lessons with the Middle School subject area teachers. Each post describes a particular lesson, the software used, some of the skills that were targeted, and the number of days that were spent in the lab.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Think and Write Exercises

The 8th Grade Social Studies students have come into the lab on four occasions to answer questions that their teacher leaves for them in his public folder. The students must create a new Word document, save it to their own account with the correct naming convention: lastname_lessonname.doc and then they practice their keyboarding as they answer the questions. Once finished, the students need to save and close their document and drop it into the corresponding teacher's class drop box.

After the students had completed the first two assignments, they compared the word count for each question, in an attempt to evaluate the thoroughness of the answers.