Welcome to the MS Computer Lab Blog!

The objective of our blog is to share information about how we integrate our technology curriculum into the subject area curriculum. The foundation of this effort is the methodology of team teaching the lessons with the Middle School subject area teachers. Each post describes a particular lesson, the software used, some of the skills that were targeted, and the number of days that were spent in the lab.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Geology and Filemaker Pro

The 8th Grade Science students were given a rock collection with various igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock samples. To confront the challenge of organizing this data, the students had to make a database where they could record the characteristics of 15 samples. Once completed, they did sorts and finds to help them see patterns in the samples they had observed. The students took four days to complete this assignment.

This is a view of the database in Layout Mode.

This is a list view of the database in Browse Mode.

This is the table view of the database after doing a sort by Rock Type.