Welcome to the MS Computer Lab Blog!

The objective of our blog is to share information about how we integrate our technology curriculum into the subject area curriculum. The foundation of this effort is the methodology of team teaching the lessons with the Middle School subject area teachers. Each post describes a particular lesson, the software used, some of the skills that were targeted, and the number of days that were spent in the lab.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Choose Your Own Adventure and Inspiration

Some of the 6th grade Social Studies students worked in teams to create a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story that they saved in their Google Docs account. Once they finished with the story, they created pages in Inspiration. When all the team members were finished with their parts of the story, they saved copies of their pages in their public folders. From there, all the team could access the pages that they were missing, and they saved a copy of the other pages into their own Choose Your Own Adventure folder. Once all the documents were obtained, then every team member, linked all the pages together so that it read like a "Choose Your Own Adventure". Finally, when all the links were working, the students exported the project as a web site into their sites folder, and from each student's individual sites folder, their teacher can evaluate their efforts. This lesson took about five days to complete.

Story One (Once you arrive to the page, scroll down to the text)

Story Two

Story Three