Welcome to the MS Computer Lab Blog!

The objective of our blog is to share information about how we integrate our technology curriculum into the subject area curriculum. The foundation of this effort is the methodology of team teaching the lessons with the Middle School subject area teachers. Each post describes a particular lesson, the software used, some of the skills that were targeted, and the number of days that were spent in the lab.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Problem Solving Exercise with Google Docs

Teams of students from all grade levels put their problem solving skills to the test while attempting to complete different activities in the Middle School House Program. During the afternoon, the five House Groups - Orcas, Pumas, Ñandus, Vizcachas and Condors divided themselves into teams and some of those teams came to the computer lab. The tech-based problem was the following: find out what problems were being tackled outside the lab, document them with text and graphics and publish it all in newsletter format by means of Google Docs. To prove that the problem was finished, the final step was to share the newsletter with the teachers who organized the activity. Google Docs fit this activity well, because it allows several authors to work on the same document simultaneously.